when a #TBT helps you to keep moving forward

Every Thursday, people all over social media post their photos from "back in time." Ranging from truly old school to something simply taken earlier today, this social trend makes it cool to look back in time. To share with the world a view from "before." Today is Throwback Thursday.  

cue harp music. cue ripple blur transition.  

In July of 2012, I had an amazing experience in the Sacred Valley of Peru.  I joined with a large team from all over the US to bring medical aid, eyeglasses and the hope of eternal life to a small village in the valley called Urubamba.  This was my first real mission trip experience and I was excited to get to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And as a staff member of e3, I was doing double duty as a trip participant (wanting to experience what the average guy does on a trip)  but also as Creative Director, seeing how our organization works, behaves, and exists.  This was crucial to me being able to truly know my organization's core business.  The experience gave me a perspective on e3 that I couldn't get by sitting in a creative studio looking at photos from other people's trips.  

Every day I work on a project for e3, I carry that experience with me. I use it as part of my creative toolbox to help shape solutions for an organization I have personally invested in… and it doesn't even have to be Thursday for that to happen!

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